Международный журнал междисциплинарных исследований Configuration
DOI: 10.52984/yogarima
Forms of human consciousness
(मानव चेतना की प्रकृति)
Chanchal suryavanshi*; Meenakshi Khandait **
*Research Fellow, Department of Integrated Medicine,
Sri Devaraj URS Academy of Higher Education of Research, Kolar, Bangalore,
**Student, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar
DOI: 10.52984/yogarima1102
Human consciousness refers to bodily consciousness. In fact, human consciousness is one but it is manifested in many forms due to difference of titles. Consciousness is unique in every human being, in other words it can be said that as many beings are present in this world as much consciousness also exists. Human consciousness, in spite of being inseparable from the divine consciousness, gets separated due to the sense of ego, because of this sense of ego, the human consciousness is unable to manifest itself. Human consciousness can be called divine consciousness covered by the cover of ignorance. On the destruction of ignorance, human consciousness merges into its real form of God consciousness.