Международный журнал междисциплинарных исследований Configuration
DOI: 10.52984/yogarima
How Happiness Level Effects Interpersonal Relations of Teachers
Dr.Reema Sharma
Assistant Professor IASE BIlaspur
DOI: 10.52984/yogarima2103
This research studies the effect of happiness on interpersonal relations of teachers the study using the Oxford Happiness Scale and Interpersonal scale
Worked on 499 government school lecturers of Bilaspur division studied about the interpersonal relations of teachers gender and locality wise. It also studied how happiness level effects the interpersonal relations of teachers. The result showed no difference in interpersonal relation in male and female but there was difference in rural and urban area. The result showed positive correlation between happiness level and interpersonal relation.
Key words: Interpersonal relations, Happiness level