A International refereed and peer-reviewed journal
DOI: 10.52984/yogarima
Author Guidelines for Publication
What is a Research Paper?
A research paper is an art of academic writing truly based on the author's genuine research about a particular topic. The author has to perform deep analysis and exact interpretation of his or her research findings. This research work may be a part of a Master's Course or Doctoral Dissertation. [What is a Research Paper?]
What is a Review Paper?
The purpose of a review paper is to write a concise review of the latest updates in a particular domain. The review paper summarizes the current state of knowledge on the topic. It creates an understanding of the topic for the reader by discussing the findings presented in recent research papers. [What is a Review Paper?]
What is a Comparative Study?
The comparative method is often used in the early stages of the development of a branch of science. It can help the researcher to ascend from the initial level of exploratory case studies to a more advanced level of general theoretical models, and invariances, such as causality or evolution. [What is a Comparative Study?]
What is a Survey Paper?
A survey paper comprises the interpretation, the author draws out after reviewing and analyzing several research papers (which are already published) on a specific topic. [What is a Survey Paper?]
What is an Informative Article?
The purpose of an informative essay sometimes called an expository essay, is to educate others on a certain topic. Typically, these essays will answer one of the five Ws: who, what, where, when, and why. Of course, they can also answer "how," indicating how to do something. An informative article informs the reader by explaining and giving details on a given topic. [What is an Informative Article?]
What is a Case Study?
A case study is based on an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group, or event to explore the causes of underlying principles. A case study is a descriptive and exploratory analysis of a person, group, or event. [What is a Case Study?]
What is a Dissertation Chapter?
If you're currently working on your thesis or dissertation, you should know that your work should be divided into several parts. Usually, the basic parts of a thesis include the introductory chapter, the dissertation chapter (literature review), another dissertation methodology chapter, the discussion, and the last “conclusion” chapter. [What is a Dissertation Chapter?]
What is a Research Proposal?
A research proposal is a concise and coherent summary of your proposed research. It sets out the central issues or questions that you intend to address. It outlines the general area of study within which your research falls, referring to the current state of knowledge and any recent debates on the topic. [What is a Research Proposal?]
What is Synopsis?
A synopsis is a brief summary of the major points of a subject or written work or story, either as prose or as a table; an abridgment or condensation of a work. [What is Synopsis?]
What are the Keywords?
Keywords are words or phrases that describe the content. [What are the Keywords?]
What is an Abstract?
An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. [What is an Abstract?]
Article Pattern Guidelines
All submitted Research manuscripts must follow the pattern given below:
--Article Pattern--
Title (Maximum 120 Characters)
Author Name, Affiliation, and Email ID
Abstract (Maximum 200 words)
Keywords (Maximum Five)
Literature Survey
Problem Definition
Methodology / Approach
Results & Discussion
Future Scope
Each Author (s) Short Profile with Photo(s)
Title: The title must be informative and specific. It should be easily understandable by the reader and should reflect the motive of the research paper.
Author Name, Affiliation, and Email ID: Author’s First name and Last name only. Please don't include salutations like Dr / Mr / Prof etc. If possible provide only your professional Email id, instead of your personal one.
Abstract: One paragraph containing at most 100 words. It is a summary of the report describing the question investigated, the methods used, the principle results and the conclusions.
Keywords: Five most important terms that describe your research domain and specific problem area investigated.
Introduction: It is a brief section usually not more than a page. It should be informing the reader of the relevance of your research.
Literature Survey: This section includes a short history or relevant background of the research area being addressed.
Methods / Approach: This section should describe how you are supposed to rectify the problem, and what approach or methodology you are supposed to use in your paper.
Results / Discussion: This section describes the outputs generated in the methodology section. Elaborate and compare your results with previous research performed in the past.
Conclusion: Final extract of your research performed. Concisely elaborate your final output here.
Future Scope: What are the future possibilities for improvement in the research you performed? Discuss the limitations and benefits of historical research.
References: If you reference an external source in your paper, you should cite where you found that source. Give credit to the actual contributor, they deserve this.
Authors Short Profile: Short bio of all the authors, including a small picture also. People should know you too!
Finally, Make sure you are formatting your manuscript as per Yog-Garima Paper Format given below:
--Article Styling--
Font Family: Times New Roman (For English)
Font Family: Unicode (For Hindi)
Title Font Size: 24pt
Author Names Font Size: 11pt, Bold
Author Affiliation Font Size: 9pt
Abstract Font Size: 9pt, Bold, Italic
Keywords Font Size: 9pt
Heading Font Size: 12pt, Bold
Subheading Font Size: 10pt, Bold
Table Contents Font Size: 9pt
Table Heading Font Size: 9pt, Italic
Figure / Table Caption Font Size: 10pt
Reference Bullet Format: [1], [2] ...
Citation Format: [1], [2] ...
Line Spacing: 1.0 pt
Line Spacing Before After: Nil
Page Size: A4
Page Orientation: Portrait
Number of Columns: 2
Column Width: 3.38 Inch
Space between Columns: 0.5 Inch
Page Margins: Top - 0.7 Inch, Bottom - 0.7 Inch, Left - 0.67 Inch, Right - 0.56 Inch, Gutter - 0 Inch, Gutter Position - Left
Author Photo Size: Width 0.51 Inch (Keep Aspect Ratio)*
Header: 0.1 Inch
Footer: 0.3 Inch
Paste the Author’s photo on the left side of the header of the first page of the manuscript.