المجلة الدولية لتكوين البحوث متعددة التخصصات
DOI: 10.52984/yogarima
Effect of Saturn in the events of Ramayana
(रामायण की घटनाओ में शनिग्रह का प्रभाव )
Jayendra Vallabh Dubey; Dr. Yogendra Kumar
Research Scholar; Assistant professor, Department of Jyotish
Maharishi University of Management and Technology, Mangala Bilaspur (C.G)
DOI: 10.52984/yogarima1202
In this research paper, the effect of the position of Saturn on the events related to Ramayana written in Adikavya Ramayana written by the ancient poet Valmiki, Ramcharit Manas written by Tulsidas, Padma Purana etc., Shani Dev's dialogue with the characters present in the Ramayana period, etc. have been studied. According to traditional belief and Puranas, the Ramayana period is considered to be 8,80,111 years old and from the point of view of modern science, it is considered to be around 7000 years old. In this research paper, the events occurring due to the position of Saturn in the horoscope so many years ago also are discussed. Awareness among the general public about its effects, fear due to Saturn's condition etc. have been studied.
Word Hint – Ramayana, Ram, Shani, Astrology, Tretayuga