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Importance of Yoga, Yagya, and Ayurveda science in physical, mental, and spiritual health

(शारीरिक, मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक स्वास्थ्य मे योग, यज्ञ और आयुर्वेद विज्ञान का महत्व)


Khileshwari Sahu*; Dr. Garima**

*Assistant Professor; **Associate Professor, Department of Yoga,

 Maharishi University of Management and Technology, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India

* ;**

DOI: 10.52984/yogarima1104



At present, the whole world is moving forward facing very adverse conditions, this adverse condition was a very serious condition for the human life environment, in which the imagination of a healthy life has become impossible, but if we look at our ancient tradition, Our tradition is full of continuous stream of knowledge of health, in which Yoga, Yagya, Ayurveda diet etc. have an important place. Various scholars have also tried to tell its scientific effects through research etc. In Yoga, Yajna and Ayurveda, various therapies are described to maintain physical, mental, spiritual, health balance and harmony of man. How Ayurveda helps us in fighting spiritual and physical diseases and how it makes us disease-free, etc. Anurag Pandey explains in his research that “Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to mental health that integrates the mind, body and soul. Ayurveda is described mental health in Atharva Veda and in subsequent treatises by Charak, Susrut, and Vagbhatt, containing the details of etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and therapy for afflictions in humans and animals. The science of mental disorders describes extensively conditions from mild anger and greed to severe psychoses. Simultaneously the whole world is looking for the solutions of the inner conflicts afflicting in mental health sector. Ayurvedic theory of mental health is based on combination of The three gunas, tridosha, and panchabhuta, The combination of these doshas and three gunas inherited at birth indicates an individual's called Prakriti. The dynamic balance of these above elements creates a good mental health. Daiva vyaprashraya, Yuktivyapashrya, Satvavajaya cikitsa, Aachara Rasayana, Dinacharya, and Yoga therapy is described in Ayurveda for resolving these ailments.”
Key words: Yagya, Yoga, Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social, Ayurveda.


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