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Pranavopasana: From the perspective of human consciousness

(प्रणवोपासनाः मानव चेतना के दृष्टिकोण से)

Dr. Namrata Chauhan*; Sheetal Narvare**

*Assistant Professor, Department of Yoga and Naturopathy,

Sarala Birla University, Ranchi

**Student, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar

DOI: 10.52984/yogarima1103


Out of many living beings in the world, human is the only one who is able to understand his goal and try to achieve it. Apart from humans, the capacity of animals other than humans is limited only to feed and reproduce. While human capabilities are limitless, he keeps within himself the ability to understand, contemplate, evaluate and achieve countless achievements. The credit of having all these capabilities with the human goes to the consciousness of the human. Indian ancient texts Vedas, Darshana, Smritis, Puranas and Upanishads have asked to awaken, elevate the consciousness from free voice and defined consciousness as the science of spirituality in essence and to pave the way for this spiritual progress. Out of the methods used for devotion, devotion, aarti, asana, yoga, one easy method emerges in the form of worship of Pranav. Pranav is another name of God i.e. Omkar. Pranava is an anahata sound, whose descriptive expression is Om. Various scriptures describe the worldly and spiritual benefits of Pranavopasana, in which the upliftment of consciousness is the main benefit. Pranavopasana plays an important role in developing human consciousness, the relationship between these two is inseparable.

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